Munchie Mug
You can not beat this product! It keeps the snacks CONTAINED. My boy has easy access to his snacks on the go, the top has a spandex top that stretches to go around my kiddo's hand and unlike other products, I have never had the goldfish (or other contents) spill. It is STURDY and even after a year of daily use, it is still in tip top shape. It is worth every single penny.

Mabel's Labels
Even though the boy is not in daycare, there are plenty of situations where we have to leave him with other kids and he needs his belongings labeled. This has been a particular challenge with his food containers (his Munchie Mug, sippy cups, etc.) and no matter how many times I use a Sharpie, it doesn't seem to work very well. Mabel's Labels sells a variety of different labels that you can use to keep track of your kiddo's things. Recently we purchased the labels below, they are dishwasher and microwave proof and will be marking his things for months to come!

Exergen Temporal Thermometer

Nothing about taking a child's temperature is easy, until this product. When I was registering I thought that getting a thermometer like this was unnecessary... then I had a screaming child who was burning up and was impossible to measure. Enter, stage left, the exergen temporal thermometer. Hallelujah! One pass over the forehead and behind the ear and we had an accurate reading. No rectal thermometer reading or holding down the arm. If you get one of these DON'T get it at a baby store. They are GROSSLY overpriced. Walmart and Costco have the same product in different packaging.
I'll post more at another time. In the meantime, what products have been lifesavers for you?
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