Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What's For Dinner

We really need to go grocery shopping, so today I posted the following on Facebook: Michelle Smith is looking for something good for dinner that I can make with boneless chicken breasts and whatever I already have in the house. Ideas?

I got a lot of great responses, one of the first being that I should try oven fried chicken. Debbie gave me an idea of how to make it, but I googled it and here is a recipe that came up on cooks.com

Currently, it's baking in the oven... we'll see how it comes out!


8 boneless skinless thighs (I used 2 large breasts that I cut in half so they would be smaller and possibly bake at the same time as thighs would)
2 tbs paprika
2 cups flour
2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 cup butter or marg.

Combine all ingredients except chicken and butter. Put butter in 9x13 inch oven baking dish and melt.
Coat chicken with dry mixture and place in pan with melted butter. (I put the pan into the oven, melted the butter, then pulled the pan out and put the chicken in)
Cook at 425 for 20 min. Remove from oven and turn chicken over.

Cook for an additional 20 min at 425.

I'll update later as to whether this was worth printing out and adding to my recipe binder.

The Verdict

So this was ok, but I wouldn't say that it was excellent or worth repeating, especially because Shake and Bake Chicken mix is better and much easier/faster to make! However, this is a great alternative if you're out of the Shake and Bake and want to use things in the house.

It didn't help that the microwave burned the rice pilaf... strange! I put it in for the minimum time and it burned. Let's hope the microwave isn't about to clunk out on me!

I served this dish with chicken flavored couscous and carrots. :)

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